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Yes, items can be shipped to any country approved by the USPS. now offers items with plastic inserts and hand-crafted soft face masks and headbands with beautiful soft fabrics, elastics, treads, and love. now offers handcrafted items with plastic inserts and hand-crafted soft items made of cotton, silk, and other fabrics.

Most of the items offered in this store are handmade in Michigan, USA one at a time. Please look for the Made In Michigan icon on the product descriptions for handmade products. now offers both handcrafted items with hard-plastic inserts and without inserts. Most handcrafted items (excluding some items) are made of soft cloth and fabrics.

Handcrafted items made with cotton can be hand-washed in cold water and line dry. Handcrafted items made with silk should be gentled washed with warm water and a gentle soap. Let it soak for 10 to 15 minutes, rinse it in lukewarm water, then place the item between two layers of towels. Roll the towels to squeeze the excess water. Then lay the handcrafted item on a flat, clean surface to dry. Lay the handcrafted item flat to help the silk maintain its shape.

Most hand-crafted soft items can be adjusted. Please send your head measures and preferences as custom sizes can be made to fit your needs. Handcrafted items with plastic inserts cannot be adjusted.

Due to the recent pandemic, returns and adjusted may not be accepted. Please contact me prior returning any items for a return authorization.

Yes, smaller versions can be made of any wide handcrafted items (except on items made of silk) upon request.

Yes, we offers discounts for bulk purchases, stores, wholesalers, and fundraiser. Please send your contact me with the items and quantities.

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